Course Information

Welcome!. This is an online course that contains original content as well as online materials and resources specifically curated by several faculty members from the School of Media Arts at the University of Montana.
The course has been broken into three sections, each with 4 to 5 sessions. Each session is considered a week’s worth of content and should be followed chronologically in order to maintain a dedicated path through the semester. Some sessions will conclude with a self-assessment quiz. Otherwise, formal quizzes and assignments will be delivered via the Moodle unit for this class.
Enjoy the class and make sure to email your professor with any questions or concerns.


This class website has been designed so you can access it anywhere, including your smartphone or tablet! Make life easier by adding the class to your Home Screen!

This is a course that provides a comprehensive look at some of the major innovations, ideas and components that surround us in today’s digital art environment. We have tried to focus on the subjects that Media Artists should be submerging themselves into – exploring, researching and pursuing as areas of creativity and professional development.  We feel that it is critical for students to enter the real world with a solid understanding of these history, concepts, tools and innovators in order to fully engage with other creatives and programmers, and move with confidence through a very complex industry that is in constant change.

At the conclusion of this course students should have a clear understanding of:
• Basic computation
• Structural components of modern computer hardware/software
• The internet, it’s history and functionality
• Net neutrality
• Relevant digital file formats
• Concept of resolution as it pertains to print, video and web
• Cloud computing and Big Data
• 3D printing
• Microcomputers/processors
• Planned Obsolescence
• Video Games: History and Implications
• Virtual Reality
• Augmented Reality
• Copyright and Creative Commons
• Artificial Intelligence
• The Deep/Dark Web
• Robotics
• Digital Citizenship & Health